Napping battle

Just like the title says, today Colton and I had a napping battle. He’s suppose to nap around 1pm every day since 10 months old. He was very good. All I need to do is put him down and say good bye then close the door. That’s it. Yesterday, he refused to nap but I resisted that it’s time for nap. Today is a battle just like what he was when we came back to canada from HK. He turned to an evil! Once I leave and close the door, he cried and screamed “ma ma , ma ma…” non-stop like crazy. He was challenging me and testing my limit. He even opened his door and kept screaming “ma ma….” I kept going in his room every 10 minutes or so and just put him down then leave. after about 45 minutes, I said I’m having a nap on your bed. I laid down with him side by side and pretend sleeping. Once I know he had calmed down, I left him right away. Then he started to cry again. This time, he just lasted for about 1 minute. Then he napped from about 2pm to 4pm. I hope this won’t happen again.
