Carina was sleeping in the laundry room last week all by herself. I put her down at 9pm. She did so well and just made a few noise aroun 3am. Then I fed her aroun 5am. I think that was pretty good. Last night, I put her back to our room. She was so good until we were ready to go to bed aroun 1:30 am. Since she’s very alert. She woke up by our noise, screaming from the bottom of her throat. Then Chris rescued her but she was still upset. about an hour of failing comforting her, Chris set up the playpen in Colton’s room and let her cry out. Colton was up by her cry so Chris brought him in with us. Colton started sleeping in his own room since 6 months old, so he is not use to sleeping with us. After lingering for an hour, he said he wants to go back to his room. So I brought him back. I told him that Carina was still crying, but just stay still and go to sleep. He slept thru her cry. He’s such a good sleeper just like Chris. Anyway, Carina finally fell asleep after an hour of crying and needed to be fed around 5 am. Tonight after her last feeding at about 10:30pm, I put her in Colton’s room. Hope she’ll sleep better.