PRK Contact lenses removal

Yesterday I got my bandage contact lenses removed. My vision was checked with my contact lenses on. My vision was 20/40 which is not bad at all. Then the nurse put some lubricant into my eyes so the contact lenses won’t be so stuck to my eyeball. Then I was called to go to another room. I was told to look up then the nurse just pinched the contact lenses out. Once they were out, my vision went down again. BLURRY! SCRATCHY! SO DRY! So I put lot’s of Bion Tears.

Today is the day after. I drive today! My vision is almost like or even better than the days with my old precripted contact lense. My eyes don’t feel scratchy at all. Sometimes I thought I was still wearing my old contact lense. Although the healing process is not very comfortable, I’m pretty happy with the result so far.