I’m a big kid now!

Colton can finally go to the bathroom and brush his teeth all by himself. They seem very trivial but there are a lot of steps involve in it. Last year this time he was learning to notice the needs of going to pee. Now, he can go to the bathroom, turn the lights on, put his pant down, aim at the toilet, go pee, tear a piece of toilet paper, wipe, throw it into the toilet, put his pant up, flush the toilet, go to the sink, step on the stool, put some soap on his hands, scrub, turn the tap water on, rinse, turn water off, wipe hands, turn the light off and all done. See there are almost 20 steps involve in it.

Now Carina sees Colton using the bathroom and wants to use it too. She can let me know if she needs to go poo most of the time. But sometimes she would say “Aw-C” or “Gup-C” even if she has nothing to go.