
“Why? What? ” Yes, “Why? What?” Sometimes I don’t really know what Colton was asking. Sometimes I said “You have to rinse your mouth after having sweets.” Then he’ll ask “why?” Then I say “So bugs would come to your mouth to eat the sweats” Then he ask “Why?” …. I say “Bugs like sweats.” He say “Why?” …. so on…. non-stop…. The same thing just keep going on and on and on until I ask him “Why? What?”…. He’ll repeat “Why? What?”…… It’s an infinite loop!

He asks “Why?” doesn’t matter if it make sense or not. But once in a while he got some good questions too. Like the other day we were at Safeway. He asked “How come the balloon is up in the air but the one at home is on the floor? You need to hit it to make it goes up in the air.” and the other day he asked “How come the water we drink becomes pee pee?”

He’s at the stage of figuring how things work. It’s good to be curious at everything but it could be annoying too.

1 Comment

  1. Ella

    Hi Carol,

    Way to go!!! Miranda even asked me how come the rocket can fly up to the space?!! I went thru the exact thing when Miranda almost the same age as Colton till she went to primary school!!!!