
Posts related to family, enjoy!

Flu Shot for Colton!

Posted by on Nov 7, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Colton had his flu shot today. Surprisingly, he did very well. NO CRYING! Wow! I’m very proud of him. A couple weeks prior to the flu shot day, I let him play with a toy syringe and showed him how it works. 2 weeks ago, I took him with me to get my flu shot. He said he wants one too. Today, my parents got their flu shot so I think it’s a good time for Colton to have his shot. He watched grandpa did it and got a “Sticker” on his arm. So he wants a “Sticker” too. So he rolled up his sleeves and can’t wait to get his “Sticker”. I held him on my lap and put his arm against his body. The nurse poked the needle into his skin. He leaned back against me a little and Waa Laa… All Done! He said “Sticker”, “2 stickers Please!”. So he had 2 stickers on his arm. I asked if that hurts, he said “yes it hurts, but no crying, no weah weah weah….” He such a good boy today!

Carina’s 1 year check up, 5 shots!

Posted by on Nov 4, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Carina did her first year check up on Nov 2. It was quite different than Colton’s first year check up which was done in Saskatoon. Colton had his blood pressure meassured and his finger got poked to squeeze a drop of blood out for a test (either glucrose or iron). In Vancouver, the doctor just examiner her by pressing her tummy and looking at her eyes and ears. I think Saskatoon’s medical system is better in terms of personal care. After the examination, Carina got her shots. She had 5 shots in a day. 2 on each thigh and 1 on her arm. Of course she cried so hard that no voice came out at one time, then she was crying really loud. Other than that, she was fine. I didn’t give her Tylenol. She was a bit tired and she fell asleep in the car on our way back home. But she was active for the rest of the day and I couldn’t see any discomfort from her. She’s tough!

Carina is 1 year old

Posted by on Nov 2, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

We had a small party for Carina the day after her real birthday. Angel and Clinton came over with an ice-cream cake and a metallic balloon. We also bought a chestnut cake for Carina. She had her first ice-cream in her life and she liked it a lot. We also took some family pictures too. The party is very low key but we all had good time.


Posted by on Oct 31, 2007 in Family | Comments Off


We went to a Halloween show on Carina’s Birthday. Carina dressed up as a pink leopard and Colton was a bumblebee. They both did well at the show. After the show there was trick or treat time. Colton like it a lot.

On the actual Halloween night, we went to a mall trick or treating. It was like over a hundred kids going from store to store. Colton really enjoy trick or treating.

Chris’ big effort is much appreciated

Posted by on Oct 9, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Yes, Chris is now taking Carina for shower and put her to bed almost every night. Of course Carina is crying and asking for me, but eventually, she’s get use to it. She’s so attached to me that me and only me can comfort her. Almost no one can get close to her. She’s not as friendly as Colton who is happy to get along with most of our friends especially girls.

Today I turned the baby Einstein on for Carina when I was preparing dinner. She sat on her high chair and watched it for ONE HOUR without complaining. That’s a big achievement. I’ll set up the environment so she can be encouraged to be more independent when I’m not available for her.

Carina had stomach flu started last Tuesday. She had diarrhea and vomitted a couple of times. She lost her appetite. Did feel like drinking or eating. The amount of milk she take was about 9 – 11oz a day. Today, she alread had 26oz. (it 3pm now). She also finished an 8 oz bottle the first time in her life. I think she’s taking what she lost last week. Unfortunately, she starts waking up at 3am for at least 2 nights now. When she was sick, I offered her a bottle to prevent dehydration. Now she might get use to waking up for milk. So I’ll sleep train her tonight and hopefully she’ll be back to normal (sleeping from 9pm to 5am) soon.

My birthday

Posted by on Sep 20, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

My birthday gift is an Nintendo DS which is good. Chris asked Jamy bought it for me, so I got it on Aug 31. On my real birthday, I got a bunch of yellow roses which is very sweat. Then chris asked me where to go for dinner so I said “MILESTONE”. I mean it, but he drove to the opposite direction and thought that I was just kidding. WHAT?? Well, we ended went to a tiny Hong Kong style “Cha” restaurant on Hastings. That’s a little disappointed!

Shirley, Jamy and Kara’s trip to Vancouver

Posted by on Sep 20, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

They arrived on Aug 31, 07 and we all went camping the next day. I can’t imagine the camping could turned out that good with them. Kara did lot’s of heavy duty work like chopping wood, make fire, set up tent and much more. Shirley and Jamy both baby sat Colton and Carina. They also do the cooking and dishes too. I basically just enjoy my time. Yes, there were a lot of preparation work to do to make this camping happen, but it worths so much. Colton had good time and so do we.

After the camping, we mainly do shopping during the day and cheat chat at night till mid night. I found it more cozy with them in Vancouver coz everyone is so busy in HK that no one has enough time to communicate. Most of the time when I was in HK, relatives just come to the dinner and go after it’s done. So I really appreciate the time and effort that they put to make this trip happened.

I hope the chan’s family members could come more often.

Night waking for Carina

Posted by on Aug 15, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Carina was sleeping thru the night untill 2 days ago. She started waking up every 2 hours the first night and she cried for 2 hours last night. I knew she is teething. I gave her tylenol and the ora gel. Didn’t help much. I’m drained out coz I had to deal with Colton during the day for his potty training and deal with Carina for her night waking. I basically didn’t sleep at all. They usually take turn for nap with means that I got no time to rest during the day. Isn’t that the nicest part of being a mom?

Potty training resumed!

Posted by on Aug 15, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Cotlon is under training again. We started on Aug 12, 07 which is the day he turned 27 months old. This time, we follow the method from Dr. Phil. 

The name of the method is “Potty trained in less than one day”. This is already the forth day after the big day. Colton had 4 accidents the first day. 2 accidents the 2nd and 3rd day. 1 accident today. Looks like he’s getting better using this method. By the end of the 3rd day, he asked to go himself. But that was the only time so far. Today we went out for 1 hour 45 mins with his big boy undeis. We also visited the bathroom at Safeway. We were so happy about that. Colton liked it too. He also pooped in his potty too. Using this methody, he has to run bach and forth to the potty 9 times in a row if he had an accident. I followed it and he hated that so much.

We’ll see how he goes in a week.

Colton’s excuses

Posted by on Jul 17, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

In the last 2 weeks, Colton has lot’s of excuses to say no for what he doesn’t want to do. For example, if he wants to be held, he would say “scared” or “feet hurt” or “don’t know how to go down the stairs”. If he doesn’t want to pick up the ball that we’re playing, he would say “don’t know how”. If you ask him to eat something he doesn’t like, he would say “too hot” or “sour” or “too much” or “full” or “spicy”.

Today Colton was sitting on the couch with grandma. Then grandpa approached and wanted to sit beside him. He stretched his body as if he’s sleeping and say “Heem heem sleeping” so grandpa doesn’t have any room to sit.

I remember when he was about 18 months, he would say “bye bye ma ma” to ask me to get out of his sight.

We all don’t know how or where he learn to use excueses to say no.