
Posts related to family, enjoy!


Posted by on Apr 6, 2008 in Family | 1 comment

“Why? What? ” Yes, “Why? What?” Sometimes I don’t really know what Colton was asking. Sometimes I said “You have to rinse your mouth after having sweets.” Then he’ll ask “why?” Then I say “So bugs would come to your mouth to eat the sweats” Then he ask “Why?” …. I say “Bugs like sweats.” He say “Why?” …. so on…. non-stop…. The same thing just keep going on and on and on until I ask him “Why? What?”…. He’ll repeat “Why? What?”…… It’s an infinite loop!

He asks “Why?” doesn’t matter if it make sense or not. But once in a while he got some good questions too. Like the other day we were at Safeway. He asked “How come the balloon is up in the air but the one at home is on the floor? You need to hit it to make it goes up in the air.” and the other day he asked “How come the water we drink becomes pee pee?”

He’s at the stage of figuring how things work. It’s good to be curious at everything but it could be annoying too.

Carina is walking!

Posted by on Apr 6, 2008 in Family | Comments Off

Finally, Carina is walking all on her own. She started couple steps on Mar 18, 08. Then a week later which is Mar 26, 08, she started walking down the hall and across the room without my finger. Thank goodness! I’m free again! So she started walking the day before she turned 17 months old. However, once she fell, she still need to hang on to something to be able to get up. Then a week later, she can get up at the middle of no where. Now that she can walk around, she’s much more independent that what she used to. She can go where she wants to and play on her own. Also, she understands us almost everything. She can follow simple command like “Wait!”, “Go”, “Stop”, “Put it back”….etc. Way to go! Carina!

About Colton, he is able to wear big boy undies almost all the time.

Between the two of them, they’re getting a little bit violent if they play together. Colton would pull, push or hit her and Carina might fight back. Yes, it’s time for Carina to revenge! Ha ha ha…… coz Colton used to smack her face, bit her head and pulled her away from me when I nursed her.  An exciting life has just begun.

100 Family Blog Posts has reached!

Posted by on Mar 25, 2008 in Family, Tips | Comments Off

100 Family Blog Posts has reached!

Until recently, I just start to realize how greater Chance is that I can have a happy family in the future. In the past 2- 3 years, most of the family blog posts in this site have been posting by my wife. The posts are primarily served for 2 main purposes:

  1. As a diary of the memory for our kids in the future.
  2. To keep our relatives and friends in HK and Canada about our living with the kids, even we don’t have much time or chance to meet.

However, there is another purpose which is for me to keep up to date what has been happening with my kids while I’m working in the office. Thanks for Carol keep updating this blog. Most of the time, I find when you are back home after work, you will have hundred of things are waiting for to do and you are tired; there is not much Time to catch up what has happened in the day time. Therefore, it is good to keep a journal like this so you can find your best time to read(catch up) and you can go back to read many times and also share with your friends and families.

So, as a parent, you should really try to understand the different between Time and Chance. Although time is limited, chance is unlimited. (Now, you know why I bold these 2 words in previous paragraphs). Kids are growing up so fast and changing every day, find a way to listen to your kids and Share your time among your work, dream and family.

So here is my first recommended tool for the modern age family:

Tool #1 – A family blog site to capture the things around your kids – either privately held or open to general public.

There are many free blogging services, such as or search “Free Blog” on Have a great time on blogging!

More tools and tips coming in the future.


Carina is more expressive now

Posted by on Mar 23, 2008 in Family | Comments Off

Carina is more fun to play with now. She is less cranky and more expressive. She know more than 60 words which is doubled than last month. This afternoon she was sitting on her high chair while I was making lunch. When I looked back, she was pointing at her head and say “tung tung”. I asked “how did you hurt yourself?” Then she leaned her head towards the table.

She’s almost walking now. She took about 8 – 10 steps at a time. But she’s still a late walker. Colton started walking when he was 14 months old. Carina will be 17 months next Thursday. Colton loves holding her hand but Carina just doesn’t like being held by Colton. She would shake, shake and shake her hand and wouldn’t let Colton to hold her hand. But there’s one thing that she loves. That is to crawl under Colton’s legs. Colton would open his leg wide and Carina would crawl under. Colton would say “I’m making a ‘mountain hole’ for Carina to crawl under.” Isn’t that cute?

First time going out without pull-up!

Posted by on Mar 3, 2008 in Family | 1 comment

This morning Colton, Carina and I went out together. Colton decided he’s a big boy and wanted to wear big boy panty when going out. He peed before we left so I think it’s safe to do that. I brought a pair of extra pants and undies with me. Then we were out at 10am to the doctor office for his hep B shot. He cried a little bit. Then we went to Cosco for about an hour. Just before we left Cosco, I took him to the washroom and he peed. We were home by 12:45pm. Yeah! No accident! This is a big step for him!

Carina took 3 steps!

Posted by on Mar 3, 2008 in Family | Comments Off

Carina is walking so fast provided that she has a finger to hold on. She took 3 steps yesterday. Another new thing is that she was having what we had for dinner in an restaurant. I don’t need to bring her BB food when we go out. What a relief!

Colton is registered in a preschool

Posted by on Mar 2, 2008 in Family | Comments Off

Yesterday was the registration day. I put him in the wait list last summer. We got a package of registration forms last month. Once the packaged is recieved, it’s garanteed that there’ll be a spot for Colton. However, there’s only 1 class in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. There are 16 spots for each class. The morning class is always more popular than the afternoon class. So parents have to be there early enough to take the morning spot. Registration started at 9am. Chris was there before 5am and he was the 8th one in line. Some parents got there at 3am. Isn’t that crazy?

Colton’s potty training update

Posted by on Jan 23, 2008 in Family | Comments Off

I started Colton potty training when he was 25 months old and he’s now 32 months. Things were very frustrated till now. Now he wears big boy undies at home and pull up if we go out. At home he’s pretty consistant. He’s able to let me know when he needs to go pee pee or poo poo. It’s such a great releif without cleaning up his accidents.

PRK Check up on Jan 9 (3 weeks after surgery)

Posted by on Jan 14, 2008 in Family | Comments Off

My vision was measured on that day. My right eye was 20/20 and my left was 20/40. I was told that my right eye is healing exceptionally fast but my left eye is just in the norm. I’m not disappointed at all coz I expected my eyes might heal at different speed. I know eventually I’ll have perfect vision for both of my eyes.  After the 2nd day of contact lenses removal, I rarely use the Bion Tears which should be used 3 -4 times a day. I didn’t use it coz I don’t feel any discomfort. At the check up, they looked into my eyes and said my eyes don’t look dry and everything is good.  My next check up is in 2 months. Will be updated!

Carina is speaking!

Posted by on Jan 9, 2008 in Family | Comments Off

Carina is almost 14.5 months old. She’s able to say Ba Ba (daddy), Ma Ma (mommy), Goh Goh (brother), Goh Goh (that one), Wo Wo (doggy), Woof Woof (pretend dog barking), Mum Mum (eat), Cat, Duck, Up, Bao Bao (bread), Bao Bao (full), Bao Bao (to be held in mandarin), Bear Bear, Nai Nai (milk), Na (hold it). She’s signing as well. She can do Eat, Drink, Bird = Duck, More, Sleep, Full, Cracker, Bath, Change, Phone, All gone, Shoe and Bear. About 2 days ago, she started to connect a noun followed by a verb. Like Ma Ma Bao Bao, meaning “Mom, pick me up!” Colton didn’t do it until about 17 months.

She speaks sooner than Colton. But she’s not walking yet. Colton was walking by her age.