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Milk intolerant

Posted by on Jul 10, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

What the heck is that? Have you heard of someone who’ll have runny poo poo after drinking milk? That’s milk intolerant. Unfortunately, Carina is one of them. After being sick from stomach flu for a week, her poo poo stays runny till now. The pediatrician said she’s having secondary milk intorlerant. Primary milk intolerant is natural born but secondary is developed from the stomach flu. The doctor said Carina is intolerant with the lactose in my milk. If I keep nursing her, I have to take a pill called lactaid which is a natural enzymes to break down lactose. The other option is switch to soy base formula. I’m planning to wean her at 9 months. I’m still thinking if I should do that now.

Potty training (part 4)

Posted by on Jun 25, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

I don’t think I’ll quit. Colton will be on underpants during the time when he’s at home. If I think it’s time for him to go, I’ll take him to his potty. If he refuses to sit on it, that’s fine. I’ll ask again in 10 or 15 mins. If he wet his pants during that time, I’ll just clean him up. I don’t want to force him to sit anymore. I tried the stickers, not working for him. I found another potty for him today. It’s the simpliest kind like the “red A” brand from Hong Kong. He was so excited at first that he pooped and peed in it all at once. But that was it. He refused to sit on it again. Now I have 3 different set up for him. The baby potty, the “red A” potty and the “phant-phant” (there’s an elephant on it and he calls it phant-phant) toilet seat that goes on top of the regular toilet. He uses the baby potty as a stool coz it has a lid on it and he just steps on the lid. Between the “red A” and the “phant-phant”, he prefers the later one. He’s been in training for 11 days, I know he’ll be trained sooner or later. We’ll see.

Carina is sick

Posted by on Jun 25, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Carina was playing on the floor after her nap Saturday afternoon. All in a sudden she was crying and I thought she just wanted my attention. But then the way she cried was different than usual.  I picked her up and tried to comfort her. Nothing worked. Then I noticed that she was grunting every time she breath out. I thought she might have picked up or swallow somthing that she’s not suppose to. So I rushed to the clinic. The clinic has general doctors and a pediatrician. I was lining up at the pediatrician. This clinic is always busy. The normal wait time is at least an hour. I was the fifth one in the line, but I saw there was only a few people lining up for the regular doctor. So I asked if it’ll be much faster if I switch to a regular doctor. I ended up waited for another 10 mins to go to the exam room and another 5 mins waiting in the exam room. The doctor came in and  listened to her heart rate. She said it was very fast. Since I said I don’t know if she has swollow something that made her breathing grunty, she quickly grab the pediatrician to look at Carina. I was happy that we got a chance to see the pediatrician without lining up for hours. Anyway, she suggested to go to the emergency in the children hospital. She said they have equipment to deal with Carina. So I took Carina to there.

Upon arrival, the nurses already knew we were going and had everything set up without waiting. So Carina got changed and she was in the hospital gown. They took her heart rate, blood pressure and tempature. Then we waited for the doctor to see her in the exam room with a bed which Carina was sleeping on. I explained everything to the doctor and he suggested to have x-ray for Carina’s chest and throat, a blood test and a urine test. We arrived the hospital at 4:30pm and we stayed till 9pm or 9:30pm. I was starving around 6:30pm. Then the nurse offered me sandwich and juice. I was so happy coz the sandwich was by starbucks and it was $5.95. I never thought that the mom would get food. I thought food is only for patients. The service was very nice. If Carina needed to be changed, I just buzz the button and the nurse will clean her up for me and took her body temperature. Ok, let’s stick with my topic. Carina had a low grade fever and a diarreah. When babies try to spike the body tempature, they grunt as if they need to poop (but in a more rapid way). That was why she was grunting. The x-ray was clear and nothing was there. Blood test confirmed that she got a virus. So that’s what make her sick. She had gastroenteritis which is also called stomach flu. Same as the one that Colton had when he was in Hong Kong. In Canada, no medication will be given for this illness. The body will fight and clear it up. So all I have to do and to nurse her more often. She didn’t want any solid until tonight. She only took one table spoon. But that’s still good.

Potty training (part 3)

Posted by on Jun 23, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Colton was so good last night. He let me know before he wanted to go twice. Today is a total failure. He refused to go to the bathroom. He didn’t want to get close to the potty. He didn’t want to get changed. He just kept wetting his pants and pretend nothing happened. I kept telling him to go to his potty every hour. I knew he was about to go. But he was kicking and struggling with me. So I waited for 10 mins, then he wet his pants silently until I checked him. Not even that, the worse part is he refused to get change. Well, his  behavior tells me that he is able to let me know before he needs to go. It’s just a matter of willingness not readiness. I’m planning to go ahead for the sticker reward chart or somthing like that to encourage him using his potty.

Carina is constipated

Posted by on Jun 22, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Carina is so constipated that she cried almost every time she grunts. I took her to the doctor the day before  yesterday and suggested to give her prune, prune juice and more water. She was better yesterday afternoon.

Another problem with her is that she’s such a picky eater. She is either eating what she likes or not eating at all. Even if she eats, the amount is very small. She would like 2 table spoons the most in a meal. I offer her 3 meals a day but sometimes she doesn’t even take one bite.

Potty training (part 2)

Posted by on Jun 21, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

I almost wanted to quit potty training Colton. He got to the point of refusing to sit on his baby toilet. He didn’t want under pants or diaper or pull up. He just kept wetting his pants. But today he’s way better. Coz I have a potty for him. He loves his potty coz he can pour his output to the big toilet. He think that’s the funniest game. Hope he’ll keep it up.

Where does cchan’s family memory go?

Posted by on Jun 18, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Is still here, many things has been happening since Colton birthday on May 12, So where are the new photos?

We have moved our photos to, a very popular online photo storage application. See our latest pictures here, . We will continue posting our memory back to there (18,786 photos as of today) and will utilize the “tagging” instead of “folder” concept to organize them.

Carina and Colton sleeping in the same room

Posted by on Jun 9, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Carina was sleeping in the laundry room last week all by herself. I put her down at 9pm. She did so well and just made a few noise aroun 3am. Then I fed her aroun 5am. I think that was pretty good. Last night, I put her back to our room. She was so good until we were ready to go to bed aroun 1:30 am. Since she’s very alert. She woke up by our noise, screaming from the bottom of her throat. Then Chris rescued her but she was still upset. about an hour of failing comforting her, Chris set up the playpen in Colton’s room and let her cry out. Colton was up by her cry so Chris brought him in with us. Colton started sleeping in his own room since 6 months old, so he is not use to sleeping with us. After lingering for an hour, he said he wants to go back to his room. So I brought him back. I told him that Carina was still crying, but just stay still and go to sleep. He slept thru her cry. He’s such a good sleeper just like Chris. Anyway, Carina finally fell asleep after an hour of crying and needed to be fed around 5 am. Tonight after her last feeding at about 10:30pm, I put her in Colton’s room. Hope she’ll sleep better.

Potty training

Posted by on May 25, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

Oh! My god! This morning Colton refuses to wear his diaper or pull-ups. I think it’s a good sign telling me that it’s time to quit using diaper. So I think, fine! Then no more diapers. I told him not to pee on his pants and he should use the toilet to pee and poop. I asked him where to pee, he’ll say “Gor dough” and points at the toilet. Then I asked him “Can you pee on your pants?” He’ll say “No!”. But so far, he hasn’t pee in the toilet yet and he wet his pants twice. He pooped in the toilet this monring which is good. Tomorrow is weekend, so do you think we should all stay home and do his intensive potty training? I heard that switching back and forth between under pant and diaper will make the whole training processing longer and that’ll confuse him more too. So….. Um….. bad timing for potty training! I should have waited till Monday. Right?

Colton Back Home Now

Posted by on May 15, 2007 in Family | Comments Off

After more than 24 hours labouring, 4 days and 3 nights in hospital; Carol and I are going back home with our son, Colton at 3:00pm today. In Saskatchewan, a new born baby must be registered the name before they can be released. Here is the Chinese Name (Long Heem) which is the middle name too. So, the full name is “Colton Long Heem Chan”.
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