Posts related to family, enjoy!
Why is Colton waking up again? I put him down at 9pm and wish that he could sleep till 8:30am or 9am the next morning. He was up at 5am. He opened his door and called ” ma ma…”, then laid down in his bed sucking his thumb till almost 6am. Then he asked for milk, so I gave him his bottle then I left him alone. He stayed quite till 7am and he was fully awake. This is not fun at all!
Colton used to be a good sleeper after we sleep trained him when he was about 10 months old. All in a suden, his sleeping behavior changed. Last night he woke up 2 at the middle of the night. The first time at 12:45am. He was asking for milk, so I gave him a bottle. After sucking the bottle for a minute or two, he started shaking it. So I said, that’s it! Go back to sleep! So I put him down and left his room. The 2nd time at about 2:00am. He was crying “ma ma ah… ma ma ah…..” So I went to his room and check him. This time he said he didn’t want to sleep. Instead, he wanted to go out and look for ” ba ba”. I’m thinking, are you playing game wiht me? I was mad and I used a strong and firm tone to tell him to “SLEEP” ! Then I left his room and use the baby monitor to watch him from my room. He kneel on his bed for about 20 mins. Didn’t say a word. Then he laid down and went back to sleep.
Now at nap time, he refuses to nap. Again, I used my old way. Put him down and left him alone. He napped for about 45 mins, then he was up crying and screaming ” ma ma ah…ma ma ah…” So I put him down and left him alone. He sat on his bed and cry for about 15 mins, then laid down and fell asleep!
I think this behavior change is due to his jealousy to his little sister. He doesn’t like me holding Carina. Once I put her up, he wants me to put her down.
Hope this won’t last long!
Carina was so fussy last night from 8pm to 11pm. She was crying on and off and nothing satisfied her. After I fed her at 11pm. She was sleeping pacefully. I though I’ll have a good night sleep. But around 2am, I heard Colton was crying and screaming “ma ma ah…. ma ma ah……” I rushed into his room and he was holding me so tight. I think he just had a nightmare. Then I held him on my arm till he was drowsy. Once I put him down, he was fully awake and didn’t let me go. So I said “ma ma is staying with you on bed. Let’s go to sleep.” Then he held my hand, laid down and didn’t say anything. His eyes were wide opened. Looked like he was afraid to close his eyes. Then I sat by his bed and held his hand. I stayed there for about 30mins. He was still awake. Then I waved my hand and say goodbye to him. He didn’t say anything. So I went back to sleep. One hour later, I went to check him. He was still awake. He saw me but didn’t make any noise. After nursing Carina at 6:30am, I checked Colton again. He was fully awake , calling “ba ba… ba ba…” and wanted to go out of the room. So I carried him to my room. So basically me and him didn’t sleep at all.
So this afternoon, I put him down at 12:30pm and wish that he could nap for at least 2 hours. Unfortunately, he was up at 1:30pm.
It’s a tough day!……….
Just like the title says, today Colton and I had a napping battle. He’s suppose to nap around 1pm every day since 10 months old. He was very good. All I need to do is put him down and say good bye then close the door. That’s it. Yesterday, he refused to nap but I resisted that it’s time for nap. Today is a battle just like what he was when we came back to canada from HK. He turned to an evil! Once I leave and close the door, he cried and screamed “ma ma , ma ma…” non-stop like crazy. He was challenging me and testing my limit. He even opened his door and kept screaming “ma ma….” I kept going in his room every 10 minutes or so and just put him down then leave. after about 45 minutes, I said I’m having a nap on your bed. I laid down with him side by side and pretend sleeping. Once I know he had calmed down, I left him right away. Then he started to cry again. This time, he just lasted for about 1 minute. Then he napped from about 2pm to 4pm. I hope this won’t happen again.
Today my parents went fishing and my sister, Angel, was at her house. Chris and I took our kids and Clinton to have a sky train ride. Colton was in a stroller and Carina was in snuggli. Colton stayed quite the whole ride.
This is my story with babies. The first time I met Colton was last year in September. After about a year, Colton and his family moved in Vancouver. I played with Colton very happily. Sometimes when he can’t see me he will cry. When he does see me, he wants to play with me. Once he wouldn’t nap because he wants to play with me so badly. Having a baby can be fun and hard at the same time! Adios!
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Clinton (Colton’s cousin)
Today Colton ate a cheeseburger carrying it himself! I met Colton at Metrotown becuase it was still a school holiday. After me, Carol, Angel, Colton and Carina went shopping, all 5 of us went to MacDonald’s for lunch. We ordered a cheeseburger happy meal for Colton. Angel gave Colton the cheeseburger and he carried the cheeseburger and ate the whole thing himself! This is the first time he did all of this!
Clinton (Colton’s cousin)
Yeah! Colton went to see the Imax first time today. We left Carina at home with grandma and grandpa. Angel, Clinton, Colton, Chris and me went to the Imax today. We watched “Polar express”. Colton did so well at the theater. He didn’t fuss at all. He sat through the whole movie which is about 2 hours long. I though he would play with the glasses and wouldn’t be able to stay still. But he actually paid lots of attention to the movie. When the glasses fell off, he would let me put it back in place. After the movie ended, he clap his hand to show his appreciation. We’re so lucky that we have grandma and grandpa helping us to look after Carina, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to watch movie with Colton. Thank you so much, grandma and grandpa.
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Oh! I have to mention this. Angel was so cute. After watching the movie for about 1/2 hour, Angel asked me if we’re watching animated movie or movie with real people acting. Isn’t she cute?
Yes, as you can see at the title, Colton has been calling “Ma Ma” non stop. He calls me whenever I’m out of his sight. He’s been doing this since Dec 17, 06. Yesterday, he started to knok his head for saying “yes”. He used to say ” hah hah” for a yes.
I took him to a child care offered by the leisure center when I’m in the postnatal fittness class. He was fine when I was with him. Then he started to cry once I walked out of the room. I went to the class and half an hour later, I was called to go back to the child care coz Colton was so upset that no body can calm him down. So I did go back to the child care and stay another half an hour with him there. He used to be able to stay at the day care without me for 9 hours a day when I was in Saskatoon. I need to re-establish his ability again after the new year.
Colton is now 19 months old. He can use “bye bye” to ask you get out of his way or out of his sight. Then he would say “Sit” in chinese and point at a chair to ask the one he wants to sit at the designated chair. His favourite person is ” Baa Baa”. Last night after he pooped, he said “Baa baa, up!” He wants Chris to go up with him and change his diaper. He is now trying to put 2 words together. It’s really fun see him use his limited words to express what he wants.
This afternoon Carina was crying coz she needs to be changed. Colton cried even harder coz he doesn’t want me to go to Carina. This is the first time he acts like this. He’s turning to a big boy!